Croatia – The Homeland of Nikola Tesla (15/4/2017)

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Croatia – The Homeland of Nikola Tesla (15/4/2017)

Last Saturday, 15.4.2017 Cvjetni Square in Zagreb was occupied by e-vehicles
as part of the initiative "Croatia - The Homeland of Nikola Tesla".

Citizens were able to see and try out the Tesla vehicle, Model S and X, e-bikes and e-scooters and kids had fun in educational workshop coloring different e-vehicles.

"The name of Nikola Tesla is the worldwide synonym for progress, knowledge and new technologies. With these values ​​is also conected our partner HEP, which is the first in Croatia to recognize a European trend of introduction of the sustainable development in the sectors of energy and transport, for was awarded the title of Ambassadors of alternative fuels end of 2016, awarded", said the organizer of the event, Tina Kolovrat from EVA BLUE company.

The interest of citizens for all kinds of e-vehicles is really high as we could see during our event and it“s why events like these are extremely important in promotional and educational sense. e-vehicles in addition to being ecological, do not pollute and do not make noise, are also very fun!