Homeland of Nikola Tesla

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Homeland of Nikola Tesla

Zagreb, Cvjetni Trg, 21st of September, 2018. 12-18.00 h

As part of the project "Homeland of Nikola Tesla", company E.v.a. Blue from Zagreb in cooperation with City of Zagreb invites you to premiere presentation of the most anticipated vehicle in the world, the electric Tesla Model 3.

The car that, at its first appearance in spring last year, unleashed an untapped interest and reservations of over 400,000 vehicles, symbolizing the transition to an affordable electric vehicle with a large reach and the latest state-of-the-art technology.

The city of Zagreb is the first European city to have the opportunity to present its citizens to Tesla Model 3, along with Tesla Model S and Tesla Model X.

In the week of European Mobility 2018. which is dedicated to sustainable transport, the message  we would like to send that in this very near future with better selection of electric vehicles on the market and education on importance of infrastructure for e-vehicles everyone can benefit and their use is especially important within city centers to reduce CO2 emissions and noise.

Early adaptation of new technologies is a unique opportunity for our country to open up new jobs and to significantly increase its own production capacity through renewable energy sources. In this way, now big imports of electricity (about 40 percent) will be reduced and money can be kept in Croatia.

Our country as the only homeland of Nikola Tesla, the synonym of all the new ideas of the new world, has the opportunity by early adaptation, to benefit from use of new technologies through not only electric vehicles, but also renewable energy sources, especially solar, battery factories, and other forms of new green technologies, and it is extremely important that the City of Zagreb continue to keep up with the recent global trends and recognize and support initiatives such as our "Homeland of Nikola Tesla" with the aim of promoting knowledge and technology, but also encouraging the implementation of advanced technological solutions.